Douglas College - Menstrual Cycle Research Group
Brings together Douglas College faculty, staff, and students to engage in research and knowledge mobilization in support of menstrual equity and justice.
Brings together Douglas College faculty, staff, and students to engage in research and knowledge mobilization in support of menstrual equity and justice.
About DC MCRG: Members of the MCRG seek to understand the diverse social and political aspects of the menstrual cycle—from puberty, menstruation, and peri/menopause to menstrual equity in practice, policy, and community activism. MCRG members publish research findings in a range of venues, from blogs, zines, and podcasts to academic journals and books.
Our Partnership: Dr. Lisa Smith, the coordinator of MCRG is one of Free Periods Canada's board members. Our partnership grew through mutual support and engagement in events and projects initiated by both groups.